Universe Wisdom

Embrace The Suck: Dealing With The Uncomfortable Lessons Of Sobriety by Alicia Gilbert Medium

Why does life suck sober

I’ve been waiting for the clarity of sobriety to wash over me and improve my life, but I think I might be someone who’s better off lost in the sauce. It’s crazy, but telling your social circle you don’t drink is sometimes harder than not drinking in the first place. Sobriety is so much more than a decision about your physical health and emotional well-being—it has a huge effect on your social life. And as I found out when I gave up drinking, that doesn’t just mean suffering awkward moments every time you hit a bar with friends. It wasn’t drinking in bars that was my downfall—it was drinking too much, period.

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  • In these moments, I have to remind myself that recovery isn’t just about not drinking; it’s about remembering that I am first and foremost responsible for advocating for my own well-being and boundaries.
  • Remind yourself of what’s wrong, and take an action there.
  • It took a long time to get here, but now that I’m here, I don’t ever want to go back.
  • I wrote about some of my difficulties in sobriety last year, in a post called The Worst Parts of Sobriety.
  • Every single one of us has these moments.

It’s her loss, and I have a new “parent” who is proud of me — me! For my writing and for all the other things I’ve done in my life that were never acknowledged and that I never took pride in because I thought no one cared. It turns out the only opinion that mattered was mine. Clearly, the holidays brought out the worst in party-drunk John; however, some people would argue it was my best, because I was relied upon to be the merrymaker at each event.

Remember the Cost of Addiction

Why does life suck sober

We are an unofficial subreddit Alcohol Use Disorder about A.A. Our primary purpose is to provide a forum for discussing the A.A. Fellowship, its 12-step program of recovery, and related topics. But then the other sides emerge — usually after a few drinks or in the absence of desperately needed ones.

Why does life suck sober

How to Enjoy Your Sobriety Without Becoming Bored, Lonely and Downright Miserable

This is why it is so important to not only embrace challenge and pain but to ask how you can become a better person from it. One act of kindness a day gives your brain a boost of oxytocin. It will also give the person you are helping a boost of oxytocin as well, and anybody watching you be kind also gets the boost2. “It awards you for a range of achievements,” Piper said.

There Are Secret Rules For Women

We don’t know what life will look like in one year, let alone one week, or even a day. When we’re in pain, our first instinct is to fight, scream, kick, and resist everyone and everything. And I want you to know that you’re not alone. There is hope and life isn’t always going to feel this way.

  • It makes us angry and corrodes us from the inside.
  • If you’re having trouble, ask your closest friends what they think.
  • At some point after college, it just didn’t matter if someone had a meal that was four dollars more than mine, or if they ate more edamame, or even if they had one more drink than I did.
  • It bloats you (seriously, all those Mad Men guys were way too fresh-faced for how much brown liquor they drank before noon).

Especially females have to deny painful emotions to be seen as “normal” by society, even unconciously. Another way to focus on the positive in your life is to express gratitude daily. Every day, find something you are grateful for and write about it, post it on your social media (for shared oxytocin release), or find a way to express it through art.

We build fortresses of people, habits, and possessions that make us feel as though we’re in control because we sought them out and we built them. The world is getting more complicated, painful, and stressful, and the more this happens, the better you have to take care of yourself. We are overwhelmed every single day with information that inundates our brains to the point of collapse. Challenges that cause life to suck are going to keep coming, and they are going to hit hard.

Why does life suck sober

How Your Social Life Changes if You Give Up Drinking

At some point in https://ecosoberhouse.com/ life, we all feel that life sucks. The future will feel empty, pointless, and hopeless – and it feels like we’ll never recover from our pain and traumas. When life sucks, the mind is the most dangerous place to live.

Our 10 most anticipated LGBTQ+ books of 2025

If you’re like me, this can feel entirely terrifying. I have always hated the feeling that I’m putting people out or being difficult. So if all of your friends drink alongside you, then there’s no issue, right? Well, there’s a concept in psychology known as “confirmation bias,” and it means that we often look for evidence to support something that we already believe to be true. Personally, I always thought drunk people were fun, and I didn’t want my own poop relationship with alcohol to stand out. I wanted to blend in nicely with a crowd who understood that sometimes you just want to drink your face off, or one that didn’t think anything was weird about a glass of noon wine.

  • But then the other sides emerge — usually after a few drinks or in the absence of desperately needed ones.
  • I did what I did, and at 57, I did what I had to do, and that was to stop drinking.
  • We battled infertility for years before conceiving her.
  • So before you run off searching day and night for sobriety, you better make sure you know what that actually means.
  • Because of this, we focus on the negative, and we now have to learn how to fight with the feelings that naturally arise from this.
  • One of these new entrants is Spider-Man actor Tom Holland, who at 28 is a millennial close to Gen Z age.

How to Reinvigorate Your Relationship with New Experiences

While it can be emotional and heartbreaking to watch some relationships veer off course, all you can do is trust that friendships will disintegrate or grow organically, and whichever direction they take is probably for a reason. Be patient and uphold your own standards. One of the easiest ways to forget your own problems is to give back to people less fortunate than yourself. When you’re feeling low, instead of sitting at home in isolation feeling sorry for yourself, get up and head to the local soup kitchen or veteran’s association. Spend time focused on being sober sucks someone other than yourself and your own situation won’t seem so bad.

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